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Writer: Sol NicolajsenSol Nicolajsen

Updated: Jan 14, 2023

[Scroll ned for at finde artiklen på dansk] Are you increasingly concerned about the chemistry in conventional deodorants, are your armpits often red and irritated or are you simply looking for ways to reduce your plastic waste, then perhaps it is time to make your own and change to a more natural deodorant - or at least give it a try!! Cream deodorants are a great all-natural alternative, very effective and completely free from harmful chemicals. Aluminium, synthetic fragrances, parabens and petro-chemicals are some of the typical ingredients in conventional deodorants that a lot of people daily smear into their armpits. And although these chemicals are very efficient at inhibiting sweat production and reducing body odour, they can also cause allergies and other problems in our bodies as well as upset the hormonal balance if absorbed in the bloodstream. Freshly shaven armpits where the skin is irritated and sensitive and maybe even broken makes an easy entry for harmful chemicals directly into the bloodstream and lymphatics. Most of our body odour comes from sweat produced by the sweat glands. Sweat in itself is odourless but when it mixes with bacteria on the surface of the skin it becomes smelly.

make your own natural Cream deodorant with bi-carb
Freshly made cream deodorant! To add a bit of colour, I've used a bit of pink clay instead of kaolin (white clay).

A creme deodorant efficiently inhibits bacteria and combats body odour without the harmful chemicals. Creme deodorants are typically made from a mixture of various vegetable oils and butters (such as coconut oil, jojoba oil and shea butter), arrow root, bi-carb soda and essential oils. The active ingredient in creme-deodorants is Bi-carb soda which is strongly anti-bacterial, pH-lowering and moisture absorbing. Arrowroot helps to smooth the skin and absorb excess moisture as well as soothe irritated skin. Coconut oil is antibacterial and nourishing. And Essential oils are naturally anti-bacterial and adds subtle fragrance. Creme deodorants are very easy to make, they have a soft creamy consistency that is easy to apply and often you will have all or most of the ingredients in your kitchen cupboard. So why not give it a go? Below you can find my fave recipe.

make your own healthy cream deodorant with coconut oil and bi-carb soda
Weigh and mix all ingredients into a heat proof bowl.

Creamy Coconut deodorant: (makes 30ml)

Shea butter: 4 g Coconut oil: 6g Bi-carb soda: 6g Arrowroot powder: 10g Jojoba oil: 4ml Essential oil*: 6 drops * Essenatial oils of Lemongrass, Grapefruit, Lavender, Orange and Lemon are all good choices.

Carefully mix and melt all ingredients over a double boiler

Melt shea butter, coconut oil and jojoba oil using a double-boiler. (I use a little stainless steel bowl inside a slightly bigger stainless steel pot). When melted, sift bi-carb soda and arrowroot into mixture. Add essential oils. Stir well, place in freezer for 5 mins until it stiffens slightly (don't let it go hard), whisk again and pour/squeeze into a glass jar. Store in a dark and cool place. TIP: • You can replace jojoba oil with rapeseed oil, olive oil, grape seed oil or other light oil you have handy. • To make a slightly firmer cream replace half of coconut oil with cocoa butter. Voila!! You have made your very own healthy creme deodorant. Always do a a small patch test to see how the cream works on your skin. Use a pea sized amount, smooth into armpits until absorbed and stay fresh all day!! Much Love Sol ☀️🌿☀️ DK: Er du også lidt betænkelig ved den kemi der findes i konventionelle deodoranter, døjer du med udslæt og irriteret hud i armhulerne eller leder du simpelthen efter meningsfulde måder hvorpå du kan reducere dit plastikforbrug? Så er tiden måske inde til at skifte til - eller i hvert fald afprøve - en creme deodorant! Aluminium, syntetisk parfume, parabener og petro-kemikalier er typiske ingredienser som man smører i armhulen dagligt hvis man bruger en konventionel deodorant. Selvom de er effektive til at hæmme svedproduktionen og gi’ stærkt duftende armhuler, så kan disse kemikalier, hvis de bliver optaget i blodet, medføre allergi og andre skader på kroppen. Især en nybarberet armhule, hvor huden er ekstra fin, følsom og irriteret, skaber en øget risiko for at skadelige stoffer kan få direkte adgang til lymfekirtlerne og blodbanen. Det meste af vores kropslugt stammer fra sved, som normalt er lugtfri, men når sved blandes med bakterierne på hudens overflade så produceres de lugtende stoffer. I en creme deodorant er der ingen skadelige stoffer. De er typisk lavet af vegetabilske olier eller plantesmør (såsom kokosolie, jojoba-olie eller sheasmør), arrowroot, sodium bi-carbonate og æteriske olier. Den aktive ingrediens i creme deodoranter er Sodium bi-carbonate eller natron. Natron virker bakterie-dræbende, pH-nedsættende og fugtabsorberende. Arrowroot (pilerod) hjælper til at opsuge fugt, virker blødgørende og lindrende på små sår og rifter. Kokosolie er antibakteriel og næringsrig og Æteriske olier gi’r duft samtidig med at de virker bakterie -hæmmende. Creme deodorant er let at lave og herunder er min egen opskrift på en effektiv creme deodorant. Kokos Creme deodorant, 30ml: Shea smør: 4g Kokosolie: 6g Natron: 6g Arrowroot pulver: 10g Jojoba olie: 4ml Æteriske olier*: 6 dråber *Æteriske olier f. eks af citrongræs, grapefrugt, Lavendel, appelsin, citron, mandarin er alle gode. Fremgangsmåde: Smelt sheasmør, kokosolie og jojobaolie over vandbad. Tilføj arrowroot og natron gennem en sigte. Tilføj Æteriske olier. Rør godt. Stil evt. på køl/fryser i 5 min og lad blandingen stivne lidt (men lad det ikke blive hårdt) før det hældes i en glaskrukke. Opbevares mørkt og køligt. TIP: Du kan erstatte jojoba olie med rapsolie, olivenolie, vindruekerneolie eller anden let olie du har ved hånden. • Lav en fastere creme ved at erstatte halvdelen af kokosolien med kakaosmør. Værs'go! Du har lavet din egen sunde og effektive creme deodorant!! Lav en lille patchtest inden du fuldt ud integrerer det i din rutine for at afgøre, om din hud kan lide produktet. Creme deodoranter er drøje i brug og en lille smule rækker langt. Tag en lille smule, på størrelse med en ært, af blandingen på fingerspidserne og gnid det ind i huden indtil det er helt absorberet. Lune september hilsener 🍂☀️🍂 Sol


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